Dầu ăn

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Dầu ăn

Post by uncle_vinh »

Dầu chưa bão hòa là gì và tác dụng như thế nào đối với sức khỏe của chúng ta ?


Mỗi khi chúng ta cầm một gói thực phẩm đã chế biến ở Hoa Kỳ thì hầu như thế nào chúng ta cũng đọc thấy trong thành phần của nó có chứa loại dầu hydrogenated oil, tức là dầu không bão hòa, hay đúng hơn là dầu chưa bão hòa. Vậy dầu chưa bão hòa là gì ? Nó có tác dụng như thế nào đối với sức khỏe của chúng ta? Mời quí vị theo dõi một số chi tiết sau đây qua câu chuyện với hai tiến sỹ hóa học Mai Thanh Truyết và Vương Thị Xuân Lan.

Dầu thảo mộc được ép ra khỏi các loại hạt thường mau hư, vì vậy nên người ta thường bỏ thêm chất bảo quản vào để giữ được lâu hầu có thể tiêu thụ dần trên thị trường. Những loại dầu được bỏ thêm chất bảo quản được gọi là hydrogenated oil, tức là dầu không bão hòa hay dúng hơn, là dầu chưa bão hòa. Tại sao lại gọi là dầu chưa bão hòa ?

Qua báo chí và sách vở, chúng ta được biết rằng hydrogenated oil, dầu chưa bão hòa, tức là thứ dầu có bỏ thêm chất bảo quản vào, có hại cho sức khỏe, và những cái hại đó như thế nào?

Vậy làm sao tránh được tác dụng có hại cho sức khỏe của những loại dầu chưa bão hòa ? Cả hai chuyên gia hóa học Mai Thanh Truyết và Vương Thị Xuân Lan đều đồng ý là chúng ta nên giảm bớt lượng chất béo trong khẩu phần hàng ngày, tránh các loại mỡ động vật cũng như các loại dầu chưa bão hòa, tránh các loại bơ làm từ dầu thực vật được đóng thành thỏi trông giống như thỏi bơ động vật chế từ chất béo của sữa, và nên tự nấu nướng để có thể kiểm soát được những thành phần trong các món ăn chúng ta tiêu thụ hàng ngày.

Làm như vậy chúng ta còn tiết kiệm được ngân quĩ gia đình dành cho thực phẩm, vì tự nấu lấy bao giờ cũng rẻ hơn là đi ăn hàng hoặc ăn các thức ăn đã chế biến sẵn. Nếu không tránh được việc dùng các chất béo thì dầu olive, dầu hạt hướng dương và dầu granola là những loại tốt hơn các loại dầu khác. Ngoài ra hằng ngày chúng ta cần ăn nhiều rau và trái cây tươi vì đây là nguồn vitamin và chất khoáng cần thiết cho cơ thể giúp làm chậm lại tiến trình lão hóa.
nguyen viet trung
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Post by nguyen viet trung »

Hydrogenated Oils-Silent Killers
by columnist, David Lawrence Dewey
© copyrighted 1998

David Lawrence Dewey was the first journalist to raise the warning flag to consumers concerning the deadly health effects of hydrogenated oils in 1996.

The article is the most comprehensive and extensive article on the net about hydrogenated oils. The article explains what they are, when they started being used, and the deadly effects they cause from coronary heart disease, to diabetes type II, to cancer and autoimmune diseases.

Provided are numerous references and links to research studies from Harvard Medical Research, The Helsinky Institute and other reputable research centers around the world. The article has been read by over 20 million readers since 1998 and is continously being updated. Make sure you read the updates at the end of the column.

In addition, make sure you read DL Dewey's column, "Aspartame - Sweetness Or Death, Also Known As Equal and Nutrasweet." In this column, you'll read about the deadly health effects of this chemical sweetener. You'll also read about Dr. Janet Hull. Dr. Hull wrote the book,Sweet Poison about the deadly sweetener Aspartame, also known as Equal and Nutrasweet.

In addition, Dr. Janet Hull also has a new published book, Oct. 2005 - Splenda®: Is It Safe or Not? - Make sure you read about this in Dewey's Aspartame column.

In Dewey's Aspartame column, you'll also read about Mary Stoddard, Aspartame Consumer Safety Network who first informed the public about the deadly health effects of Aspartame in 1986. There is also information pertaining pertaining to Cori Bracket who made the documentary, "Sweet Misery", about the deadly health effects of Aspartame.


Before we get to the column...a note from David Lawrence Dewey:
In 1996, when I first wrote about the serious health dangers of hydrogenated oils, there were many that thought I was nuts. Interesting how when one keeps telling the truth, eventually people will start to listen.

I hope and pray that this will continue across the country and more and more cities and states will not only ask, but inact laws to ban hydrogenated oils/trans fats as Denmark did in 2003. I also hope that States will ban the use of mono-diglycerides and the chemical sweetener Aspartame, also known as Equal and Nutrasweet.

Two years ago, I began working with over 400 mothers across the country in which a massive letter writing campaign began to the FDA and Congressman. The outcome of that was by January 1st, all food labels must list the percentage of trans fats, the by-product of hydrogenated oils. In addition, these brave mothers, out of concern for their children, have force school boards to remove junk food machines and soft drink machines, especially diet soft drink containing the deadly sweetener aspartame from over 200 schools nationwide.

In addition, through PTA associations, they have made school cafeterias stop serving foods containing hydrogenated oils to their children. If this has not been done in your school districts, as a concerned Mother, you should get with other mothers in your school districts and demand these changes. Your childrens health is at risk. I have received hundreds of thousands of emails from readers of how their health has improved and how they have eliminated many health problems, including diabetes type II and finally losing weight.

In case you are not aware, in 2005, a law was passed that any school receiving federal funds for school meals, ( 90% of all school receive federal funds for meals), must develop and implement a wellness and food policy before the 2006-2007 school year. This law is unique because it REQUIRES schools to INCLUDE parents in the process.

Now is the time for all of you parents to spread the word and get involved. It's your right now under the law to demand good nutrition for your children at school. Contact your school Principal and ask to be put into the loop. Contact your local PTA Association as well and get others involved. Please get involved to make sure your children are eating healthy foods!

This is what you should expect your school cafeteria to provide your children:

Low fat milk offered in clear plastic bottles - especially chocolate milk, kids will drink more of it.

* DO not allow no-fat food to be served. Studies show that no-fat foods actually cause weight gain because it changes the way the body is processing fats and how they NOT burn fats in the body.

* Milk and dairy products should be organic that do not contain anti-biotics and pesticides like regular milk does.

* Cows feed non-organic grains have increased pesticides in milk. Cows that are injected with anti-biotics pass this into their milk. Studies show that by ingesting these by-products of anti-biotics in products is lowering the resistant to bacteria in the human body.

*All dairy products SHOULD not contain carregenan. Carreegenan is used in many products as a thickening agent. Studies have shown it increases inflammation throughout body and increases arithritis and breathing disorders like asthma.

All meats should be from organic sources. Chicken should be organic, free from anti-biotic injections and range fed. Eggs should be as well.

More fresh water fish - NO FARM RAISED FISH - these fish are showing unusual strains of bacteria in the meat.

More fruits and vegetables on the menus - preferably organic to reduce pesticide ingestion * All fruits and vegetables should be throughly washed. If not organic, outside peelings like apples and other fruits should not be eaten with these peelings because of possible high pesticide contamination.

*Check to see where fruits are coming from, what country? Fruits coming from Mexico and South America where they allow the use of many pesticides BANNED in the U.S. In these countries, farmers also use human waste and sewage water for fertilizers. Do you want your children eating this?

No junk foods - demand that all junk foods be taken out of food machines.

No soft drinks - demand that all soft drinks be replaced with drinking water or 100% fruit juices.

*Juices should not be sweetened with high fructose syrup, a leading cause of your children developing diabetes.

Whole grains in bread products




Healthy oils to be used, olive oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, safflower oil.
Here is an example of one recent email I've received from a Mother who has gotten involved:


I heard on the news today that New York City Health officials have asked restaurants to stop using hydrogenated oils in their businesses.

Your years of fighting hydrogenated oils has paid off again. This sets a tone that hopefully will now be followed across the country.

You should be proud that you have saved countless lives over the years with your hydrogenated oils column.

And David, thank you for turning me on about hydrogenated oils seven years ago!

After I read your column and eliminated these deadly oils from my families diet, you won't believe how our health problems went away, allergies, stomuch, you name it.

I and other mothers also contacted school officials and demanded that junk foods and soft drinks be removed from school grounds. In addition, we also demanded based on your other recommendations for good nutrition changes to the school food cafeteria menus for our children. You have literally helped make not only my family healthier but many others!

Thank you so much! ~ Pamela - New York

If you would like to know the truth and facts which will set you free, then read the column to follow. The information compiled in this column has been done to save lives. Don't believe what you have been told to believe or been lead to believe! Once you read the truth and discover how you've been lied to about how your health has been affected, you should become very angry. I hope it will inspire you to do something about it!
For those of you that require proof, go to my: Research Links Page

Go to this PAGE and print out several sheets of these warning slips.
Pass them out to friends, family, people at the grocery store when you go.

Since I first wrote this column in 1996, there have been many updates. I first started reporting on the deadly health effects of hydrogenated oils in 1996 to consumers. You will read throughout the column new information since 1996.

After you read this column...make sure you read my

Now to the Hydrogenated Oils column...

Hydrogenated Oils-The Silent Killers
by David Lawrence Dewey
© October 15th, 1998 - All Rights Secured

On Tuesday, Oct. 20th, 1998, Oprah Winfrey's show with Dr. Bob Arnot and other researchers commented about the link between hydrogenated oils and breast cancer. Studies show there is a 40% increase in breast cancer in women eating hydrogenated oils. They also presented evidence concerning flaxseed oil and how by adding this to your diet reduces tumors by 50%. To get a transcript, call Harpo Productions at (312) 633-1000. There is a charge for the transcript. The National Cancer Research Institute has just released a warning concerning this recent study.
This is available on the research links page.

The FDA in 2005 finally mandated that by January 1, 2006, food manufacturers must list the percentage of trans-fatty acid, (i.e. NOT hydrogenated oils).

Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids are silent killers

Research studies show conclusively these deadly oils cause non-insulin dependent type II diabetes, or hyperinsulinemia. This is a disease which can eventually burn out the pancreas and cause insulin dependent diabetes. These changed molecular oils dramatically increase the risk of coronary heart disease, breast cancer, other types of cancers and auto immune diseases. Over 100 research studies show how harmful these oils are to the human body. However, these findings have been largely ignored by the mass media and the FDA. In addition, the Commercial Edible Food Industry has suppressed these research findings for sometime. Why? Money and lots of it! Food processing companies and the companies that own the patents on this process would lose billions of dollars if they had to change their method of food production of hydrogenating oils. The main reason oils are hydrogenated is that the hydrogenation of the oils act as a preservative. This leads to increased shelf life of products and less returns or spoilage of products. But at what cost is it to the human body?

The human body needs the type of essential fatty acids that mother nature has provided. Hydrogenated oils are molecularly changed oils that are toxic to the body. Soon after food production companies started using hydrogenated oils, substantial increases in several diseases occurred within a few years. In particular was a new disease which the medical profession had to name because they did not know what was causing it. It was not the normal type of diabetes but a new type. This new type of diabetes was named diabetes type II. Over the last fifty years since the introduction of hydrogenated oils, this disease has increased over 1000%. Over 90% of the foods produced today contain hydrogenated oils. On my website is a listing of contact information for food production companies, your Congressman and Senators. I urge all of my readers to write, fax, call these food companies and your elected representatives to stop the usage of hydrogenated oils in food production.

UPDATED - NEW 2003 and 2004 Research Studies

The new 2003 and 2004 studies confirm once again the following:

Trans Fats and acrylamide in food increases atherosclerosis - ( clogs arteries )

Foods contain as much as 35.3% hydrogenated trans-fats

Trans fatty acids are associated with myocardial infarction or heart attack

Dietary intake of trans fatty acids causes systemic inflammation in women.

On the research links page, instructions on how to search the National Pub/Med Libraries and other medical libraries on your own are given if you want. I have provided although copies of some of the research studies, including a warning from the American Heart Association to avoid foods with hydrogenated oils. I am simply trying to get the truth out, the real truth. I have no hidden agenda. I am not trying to sell anything. Simply the truth to save lives!

Why the body needs essential fatty acids

Mother nature dictates very simply the proper nutrients the human body needs for proper functioning. Through thousands of years of genetic evolution to our environment, the body has changed in how it absorbs, metabolizes and utilizes nutrients obtained from natural foods. Essential fatty acids are very important nutrients the body needs for many reasons. Dr. Joanna Budwig, a West German biochemist was the first to shed light on the role of essential fatty acids. She has been nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in medicine and is recognized as the world's leading authority on fats and oils.

Essential fatty acids are the building blocks of fats. They play important roles within the human body by affecting almost every major organ, cell membrane production and immune system function. Natural occurring essential fatty acids have an electrical weight that changes the fluidity of cell membranes. This is very important on how healthy immune cells develop. When oils are transformed by the hydrogenation process, this electrical weight is changed in essential fatty acids. This affects the fluidity which causes cell membranes to "stiffen". Flaxseed oil is the best vegetable source of these natural occurring essential fatty acids. There are three important essential fatty acids needed by the human body. They are linoleic (omega-6 type), linoleic acid N (omega-4 type) and alpha-linolenic N (omega-3 type). There are 50 other various essential nutrients the body needs to function properly to produce good health.

The human body cannot produce EFA'S. It is dependent on acquiring them from vegetable or fish oils in the proper ratios. It is from these essential fatty acids that the body synthesizes long chain-fatty acids such as dihomogammalinolenic acid, (DGLA), apentaenoic acid, (EPA), arachidonic acid, (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid, (DHA). These newly formed acids play a dual role. They form cell membranes which affect the function of the cells. There are also eicosanoids, substances that act as a cell to cell communicator. The research data shows that hydrogenated oils form trans fatty acids which the body simply does not know what to do with. The body does not synthesize them properly. If the human body does not acquire natural occurring essential acids, (non-hydrogenated oils), the body does not form healthy normal cells. Instead, abnormal cells are produced.

In North America, the diet is and has been sorely lacking for over 40 years in Omega-3's essential fatty acids. The western diet has been reduced to 1 part Omega-3's, (LNA,EPA,DHA essential fatty acids), to more than 12 parts of Omega-6's, (LA,AA). All of these fatty acids are needed in the proper ratio of (1) part Omega-3's to (4) parts Omega-6's. These naturally occurring essential fatty acids are also needed for the production of prostaglandins. These are hormones necessary for cell to cell biochemical functions such a energy metabolism, cardiovascular and immune system function health. Prostaglandins are also anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor hormones. Prostaglandins are part of the substances in our bodies called eicosanoids. Eicosanoids are hormones that regulate molecules in most forms of life. They do not travel in the blood like hormones, they are created in cells. Eicosanoids main function is to act as a delivery vehicle. They regulate the movement of calcium. This affects dilation and contraction of our muscles, especially the heart. They also regulate the inhibition and promoting of clotting, the regulating of digestive juices, and certain hormones. This in turn regulates proper diuresis, proper salt retention, and most important, PROPER CELL DIVISION AND GROWTH. If proper cell division and growth is lacking in the body, the end results are cancers or auto immune diseases. Diabetes falls into the later.

Prostaglandins are produced in the cells by the action of certain enzymes using essential fatty acids. There are two pathways of how the prostaglandins are used by the body. This is based on which type is absorbed by the body, either natural Omega-3 or Omega-6 essential fatty acids. Hydrogenated oils do not provide these. Without these natural occurring essential fatty acids, the body cannot produce these prostaglandins. The problem with most Americans is they don't eat enough of fish, the Omega-3 type oils. The western type diet provides more Omega-6 type essential fatty acids from oils. Consumers have been getting an improper balance of Omega-6's in the form of molecularly changed hydrogenated oils. The hydrogenation process also forms trans-fatty acids which are harmful to the human body based on substantial research studies worldwide.

In many individuals, these transformed oils will cause various degrees of acne, skin problems, boils and even cysts. The reason is, the body simply does not know what to do with these trans formed oils. The body will excrete them through the skin, but if it can't extrete them through the skin then that is when boils and cysts develope.

So if you are experiencing boils, cysts, acne or skin problems, stop eating foods containing hydrogenated oils and drink extra water to help flush previous hydrogenated oils out of the body.

What are hydrogenated oils and what is the process?
When and why were they invented?

The first patent for the hydrogenation process was in 1903 by William Norman. The first patent for hydrogenated cottonseed oil was in 1911. This is the same year that Proctor and Gamble came out with Crisco oil. Crisco was acombination of hydrogenated palm and cottonseed oil, mixed with lard and animal fats. People then were not purchasing it, so P&G started giving it away, literally. The patent was purchased by a major food producing company. In 1937, a new patent was filed by a Dr. Ellis working for a major oil company. He improved the process by separating certain fats for commercial use. Since then, additional patents have been filed for different methods of these processes. These patents from 1976 to present can be found at the U.S. Office of Patents and Trademarks on the internet. Prior to 1976, patent searches must be done to find the original patents.

In 1911, Mazola oil, a salad and cooking corn oil was introduced. In 1914, most of the companies removed any remaining animal fats in the oils they were producing and started using vegetable oils completely. Until this time, people were at least getting some essential naturally occurring fatty acids because of the animal fats. After 1914, the population began getting trans-formed essential fatty acids that became trans-fatty acids in their foods by the introduction of hydrogenated oils.

In 1957, margarines began to out sell butter.

During the process of hydrogenation, hydrogen atoms are moved to what is called the opposite side of the double bond of the molecular structure of the fatty acid in the oil. Click here to see the molecular change in graph.

This newly formed molecular configuration of the fatty acid, ( a changed carbon molecular structure of the fatty acid which the genetics of the body does not recognize) has been named "trans", meaning "on the other side of." Trans-fatty acids alter the normal transport of minerals and other nutrients across cell membranes. It weakens the protective structure and function of the cell. Hydrogenation gas is fused into the oils using a metal catalyst, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel. Without the metals, the hydrogen could not be fused into the oils. All are toxic metals to the body. This fusion takes place under pressure at temperatures of 248-410 degrees. Another words, the oils are changed molecularly. When you compare this changed essential fatty acid, which has now become a trans- fatty acid, it matches the same molecular structure of Stearic Acid. One of the uses of Stearic Acid is in the making of candles. It makes candles hard. Could this have the same affect on the human body in the form of hardening of arteries? In addition, by hydrogenating oils, more volume is produced. It increases the volume of the oil thus making more available to sell. Final result, more profit. However, its' main purpose is to increase shelf life of products. It is a preservative, and a deadly one.

During the late 1930's and early 1940's, a dramatic increase was seen in the following diseases. First was a disease that looked like diabetes, looked like diabetes, but was not caused by a deficiency of insulin. The medical profession was dumbfounded. All they knew was that a person produced enough insulin, but it was not effective in reducing sugar in the blood. They did not know what caused the insulin to be resistant. The medical establishment named this new disease non-insulin dependent diabetes, type II. The second and third diseases that increased dramatically were heart disease and cancer. This is the period also where new diseases which fell into the auto-immune classifications were being seen for the first time and named. The medical profession also did not know what was causing these new auto-immune diseases. They placed blame on the faulty genetics of the immune system. There is a correlation here. The increase of these new diseases began shortly after the introduction of hydrogenated oils in the food supply.

During 1973 to 1994, there was an increase of 364.3 various cancers to 462.0 various cancers per 100,000 population, a 22% increase. This information is available from the National Institutes of Health. More alarming is that from 1973 to 1992, an increase from 364.3 various cancers to 530.33 cancers per 100,000 population was seen. This was a 31% increase, an additional 9% increase from the previous years.

Heart disease is now claiming over 750,000 lives a year. The fusing of certain metals such as aluminum into the oils could very well be the reason why they are detecting high levels of aluminum in people. We all know about the link of aluminum to Alzehimers and cancer. We also know what lead poisoning does, especially to children. Non radioactive cobalt, the kind used as a catalyst in these oils is a component of vitamin B12. Some studies suggest that too much of this type of cobalt can cause cell destruction and nerve disorders. In addition, the fatty acids have been changed molecularly in which the body doesn't know how to properly metabolize them. Hypercholesteremia, ( high cholesterol or triglycerides) is a early warning sign that you will develop hyperinsulinemia. This disease produces too much insulin. The insulin is not effective in reducing sugar in the blood.

At the turn of the century, there were 2.8 diagnosed cases of diabetes and its' associated diseases. In 1949, this figure jumped to 16.4 per 100,00 population. This is a 585% increase in 50 years.

According to the National Center For Health Statistics

In 1985, there were 36,969 deaths caused by diabetes.

In 1995, there were 59,085 deaths caused from diabetes.
In ten years, this is 59.8 % increase, or roughly 6% per year. This increase of deaths caused from diabetes cannot be blamed on genetics. It can't be blamed because of people having bad genes. When you compare the substantial increases in the death rates today as to death rates before the introduction of hydrogenated oils in the food supply, anyone can very easily see the correlation. Nor does it have to do with newer diagnostic means or treatments of the disease. Deaths are deaths.

Leading experts in the research of diabetes estimate that todays figures of diagnosed cases of diabetes are now hitting 20,000 cases per 100,000 population. In 1949, the criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes was changed because this new disease of insulin resistant diabetes had not yet been named. However, is it a true diabetes or a disease created by harmful oils?

UPDATE 11-20-2003

New study, October 2002, from Malaysia shows without question that trans fatty acids significantly raises LDL cholesterol and significantly lowers the good HDL cholesterol, thereby increasing risk of coronary heart diease.

Read this important new study HERE. This is just one of hundreds of new studies since I first wrote this column in 1998. On the new study page listed above, click on the related research articles at the top and it will take to to PubMED where it will list hundreds of new research studies showing the dangerous health effects of these deadly hydrogenated oils.

UPDATE 6-24-1999

Two additional studies done at Tufts University and Harvard showing that hydrogenated oils/trans fatty acids have Effects of Different Forms of Dietary Hydrogenated Fats on Serum Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Trans Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease.

The New England Journal of Medicine -- June 24, 1999 -- Vol. 340, No. 25- Effects of Different Forms of Dietary Hydrogenated Fats on Serum Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels
- ( http://www.nejm.org/content/1999/0340/0025/1933.asp )

The New England Journal of Medicine -- June 24, 1999 -- Vol. 340, No. 25 - Trans Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease- ( http://www.nejm.org/content/1999/0340/0025/1994.asp )

The Research Findings On The Toxicity of Hydrogenated Oils

Dr. Mary G. Enig received her PHD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Maryland in 1984. She has become one of the leading authorities on the toxic effects on hydrogenated oils on the human body. She has published over 35 scientific papers. She and other researchers have presented the negative effects that hydrogenated oils and trans-fatty acids have on the human body.

The research facility, The Virginia Polytechnic Institute studied the effect of trans fatty acids on bone development. The study showed very undesirable effects. Dr. Martin Katan from Holland found that trans fatty acids lowers the lipoprotein (HDL) the good cholesterol and raises the lipoprotein LDL which is the bad cholesterol. Dr. Walter Willett, Chairman of Nutrition at Harvard Medical, has published a paper on a 14 year study involving 85,000 nurses. His research study clearly shows that people consuming trans-fatty acids have the highest rate of heart disease. Other researchers such as Dr. Henry Blackburn, professor at the University of Minnesota, Dr. William Castelli, Director of the Framingham Cardiovascular Institute have found the same findings.

Dr. George Blackburn from Harvard has published papers showing no increase in heart disease in those countries where most of the oil used is either coconut oil or palm oil that has not been hydrogenated. This counters the claims that have been made for years by many sources, such as the Commercial Edible Food Industry whose research facilities funded the misrepresented counter claims that coconut or palm oils are bad.

UPDATE September, 2004

New study shows virgin, ( meaning non-hydrogenated ) coconut oil
is beneficial in lowering LDL cholesterol, LDL is the bad cholesterol.
Clinical Biochemistry. 2004 Sep;37(9):830-5
On Pub Med - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... s=15329324

Quote from study:

Conclusion: The results demonstrated the potential beneficiary effect of virgin coconut oil in lowering lipid levels in serum and tissues and LDL oxidation by physiological oxidants.

Dr. Mary Enig has shown that when McDonald's started using hydrogenated oils, trans-fatty acids rose in their oils from 5% to 42-48% of the content of the oil. Recently, McDonalds has started using oils that are only partially hydrogenated. This partially hydrogenating has cut the trans fatty acids in half to between 21-24% of content but to many researchers, this is still too toxic to the body. Most European countries limit trans-fatty acids to 4% in any food, some ban them altogether.

When Dr. Ancel Keys published a paper stating that hydrogenated oils were responsible for heart disease, the response from the threatened edible oil industry claimed that only saturated fats, like butter were the culprits. The oil industry also contended that they supposedly eliminated the problem by only partially hydrogenating the oils. This is interesting. The food industry is saying that regular saturated fats are the culprits, but yet they are changing from fully hydrogenated oils to partially hydrogenated oils. It is apparent that their own in house scientists have found what other researchers have been saying for years. This is almost identical to what the in house scientists for the tobacco companies did twenty five years ago, bury the facts.

Tobacco Giant Phillip Morris owns Krafts Foods

Did you know that Phillip Morris, the largest tobacco company owns Krafts Foods. Why have they suppressed their own findings? Could it open a pandora's box to lawsuits concerning diseases caused from hydrogenated oils? Research studies from many researchers have shown that there is no increase in heart disease when normal amounts of regular saturated fat are consumed. However, research has shown the ill effects of hydrogenated oils, whether they be fully or partially hydrogenated. Either type of hydrogenated oils are deadly to the body.

Statistics from the National Institute of Health show that people are not dieing from heart disease as often as they were three years ago. This does not mean that less people are developing heart disease. The reduced numbers in deaths are attributed to newer technology and drug treatment. The truth is that the statistics for diagnosed cases of heart disease has increased dramatically over the last 30 years according to Dr. Udo Erasmus, PH.D, a consultant to the fats and oils business. According to Dr. Erasmus, 15% of the population in 1900 died from heart disease. Today it is 44%. In 1900, 3% died from cancer. Today, it is 23%. This cannot all be attributed to gene defects. Heart disease has become a multi-billion dollar business. It benefits researchers funded by the NIH and heart speciality corporations treating heart disease and most handsomely, drug companies. No wonder no one wants to admit what the real research is showing. Dr. Edward Siguel, M.D. Ph.D, an award winning researcher, also found a definite correlation between hydrogenated trans-fatty acids and heart disease. Furthermore, his study found that people with the lowest trans-fatty acids had the lowest heart disease.

The latest findings from Harvard researchers published in November, 1997, state, "it's not the level of or amount of fat intake that increases heart attacks and heart disease, but the type of fats consumed, especially trans fatty acids." During the last twenty years, a substantial increase in the number of children and young adults having high cholesterol and triglyceride levels has been seen. Research shows that trans-fatty acids produced from hydrogenating oils, elevate cholesterol and triglyceride levels two-fold. The largest group of people developing heart disease is the 21-29 year old group. A dramatic increase of non-insulin diabetic disease has been seen in all age groups over the last 50 years. Mothers, pay special attention, even Attention Deficit Disorder, (ADD) is being linked to these deadly oils.

Lorenzo's Oil

Does anyone remember the reports about Lorenzo's Oil a few years ago?

This was about a young child that had essential fatty acids metabolism problems. Lorenzo has an auto-immune disease called adrenaleukodystrophy, (ALD). The disease causes loss of myelin sheathing, the fatty covering on nerve fibers in the brain. The problem is caused by a defective gene that prevents the production of a protein that breaks down very long chain fatty acids, usually, lignoceric acid, hexacosanoic and nervonic very long chain fatty acids are the culprits. Approximately 15,000 children in the U.S. suffer from this disease, about 200,000 worldwide. These high levels of certain very long chain fatty acids are made from Omega-6 essential oils in the body. This disease is usually fatal. Keep in mind a healthy body needs all of these very long chain fatty acids for a myriad of reasons. Again, children with ALD are missing a protein that keeps all of the fatty acids at proper ratio levels with one another. But also keep in mind that too much of certain essential fatty acids, especially adulterated hydrogenated Omega-6 oils can cause high levels of certain very long chain fatty acids which then causes the disease states.

Thanks to Lorenzo's parents exhaustive medical research in the role of fatty acids, they had a research manufacture Lorenzo's oil to treat the child. Lorenzo's oil is made up of oleic acid and erucic acid. Erucic acid can cause serious health problems. ( I will discuss this later ). In addition, the erucic acid that was used in Lorenzo's oil made by the researcher over many months was refined to a point to remove most of the toxicity of (2) counter enzymnes that made erucic toxic and was only 1% of the mixture. Erucic acid is toxic to the body at 4%. The human liver cannot metabolize anything over 4%.

This is not the case in canola oil, it can contain up to 2% of erucic acid. Stop and think about that a minute. Erucic acid is toxic at 4%, canola oil can contain up to 2%. In addition, there is the the problem with the genetically altered seeds let lose by Monsato that were not genetically altered problem. These seeds contains more erucic acid. In Lorenzo's case, his body was deficient in erucic to normalize/balance the other essential fatty acids. This was caused by a gene defect that normal healthy people do not have.

So in Lorenzo's case, you have to keep this in mind as not to think I am double speaking later when I talk about the ill health effects of erucic acid primarily found in canola oil. Lorenzo's oil was finally proven to normalize the buildup of the very long chain fatty acids causing the disease. However a very important finding was later discovered. Research showed that it causes gross deficiency of Omega 3 and and lowers the platelet count. It is crucial that medical testing of red cell membrane fatty acids be performed so that application of the correct therapy is given to children with ALD. Omega 3 essential fatty acids in their normal state, are the buildings blocks of a healthy immune system that interacts with other organs such as the pancreas, liver and kidneys for good health.

Children With Adrenoleukodystrophy

Recently, (update 2002), it has been discovered that children with adrenoleukodystrophy are deficient in docasahexaenoic acid (DHA), a very long chain fatty acid. Docasahexaenoic fatty acid is made in the body from Omega 3 essential fatty acids. ( Olive oil, flaxseed oil, grapeseed oil ). Personally, I believe this is what helped Lorenzo because 90% of Lorenzo's oil is comprised of certain fatty acids from pure olive oil. Trials on the administration of doxasahexaenoic fatty acid derived from algae have begun in 2002, conducted by the Martek Biosciences Corporation to children with ALD. These findings about Lorenzo's oil only prove the importance of how unchanged natural essential fatty acids are needed for the building of normal and healthy cells. Lorenzo was in the process of dieing before Lorenzo's oil was perfected by the researcher. Lorenzo recently turned 24. Although severely disabled and is unable to do much more than blink his eyes and wiggle his fingers, he has surpassed doctor's projections for his lifespan by 14 years so far. Part of Lorenzo's treatment was that he was forbidden to eat any type of foods containing hydrogenated oils. Although Lorenzo's oil was not a cure for ALD, it did stop the rapid progression of the disease that would have eventually killed him in a few short months.

The synthesis of prostaglandins local hormones and enzymnes that control all cell to cell interactions within the body are completely dependent upon the ingestion of high quality, unaltered fatty acids. . The body requires specific essential fatty acids to create gastrointestinal integrity, bilipid membranes, hormones, neurohormones, prostaglandins and immune modulators, ( a healthy immune system ) all derived from essential fatty acids, ( a proper ratio of Omega3 and Omega6), and these fats must be supplied and trans fats avoided if modulation of the faulty metabolism is to be achieved. That is why hydrogenated oils and trans fats have been banned in some European countries such as Denmark in all foods.

Recently, research ( in 2001), shows the addition of DHEA often further complicates the patient's chemistry rather than corrects the hormonal imbalance because the basic raw materials are missing, (Omega-3 essential fatty acids) and the ingestion of trans fats literally blocks fatty acid metabolism and hormonal production, thus causing a host of disease states, diabetes type II, cardiovascular disease, auto-immune diseases and the list does on an on. The following is for Physicians. BodyBio (45 Reese Road, Millville, NJ 08332, 609-825-8338) now offers clinicians appropriate biochemical, (red blood cell fatty acid testing), intervention by organizing and disseminating the medical literature into a format that has direct impact the upon the lives of individuals which can help the Physician in creating a better prognosis in the long term for those patients that are imprisoned in a myriad of degenerative conditions.

Studies Show These Effects Of Trans Fatty Acids On The Body

1:) Lowers the "good" HDL cholesterol in a dose response manner (the higher the trans level in the diet, the lower the HDL cholesterol in the serum);

2:) Raises the LDL cholesterol in a dose response manner;

3:) Raises the atherogenic lipoprotein (a) in humans;

4:) Raises total serum cholesterol levels by 20-30 mg%;

5:) Lowers the amount of cream (volume) in milk from lactating females in all species studied, including humans, thus lowering the overall quality available to the infant;

6:) Correlates to low birth weight in human infants;

7:) Increases blood insulin levels in humans in response to glucose load, increasing risk for diabetes;

8:) Affects immune response by lowering efficiency of B cell response and increasing proliferation of T cells;

9:) Decreases levels of testosterone in male animals, increases level of abnormal sperm, and interferes with gestation in females;

10:) Decreases the response of the red blood cell to insulin, thus having a potentially undesirable effect in diabetics;

11:) Inhibits the function of membrane-related enzymes such as the delta-6 desaturase, resulting in decreased conversion of, e.g., linoleic acid to arachidonic acid;

12:) Causes adverse alterations in the activities of the important enzyme system that metabolizes chemical carcinogens and drugs (medications), i.e., the mixed function oxidase cytochromes

13:) Causes alterations in physiological properties of biological membranes including measurements of membrane transport and membrane fluidity;

14:) Causes alterations in adipose cell size, cell number, lipid class, and fatty acid composition;

15:) Adversely interacts with conversion of plant omega-3 fatty acids to elongated omega-3 tissue fatty acids; Escalates adverse effects of essential fatty acid deficiency;

16:) Increases peroxisomal activity (potentiates free-radical formation)

17:) Increased breast cancer in women

18:) Increased heart disease in men and women

19:) Increases non-insulin dependent type diabetes disease


Just because new products are now stating "TRANS-FATS FREE" on the label, and if it still lists hydrogenated oils or mono-diglycerides, ( a new name corporations are using now for hydrogenated oils ), this does not mean that these are safe oils. Any type of hydrogenation, even if they "remove" the trans-fats alters the natural molecular structure of the fatty acids. Any type of hydrogenated oil - regardless if it says " TRANS FAT FREE" is still harmful to the body - especially it if contains hydrogenated cottonseed oil, which is a very unhealthy oil for the body.

Mono-diglycerides are nothing more than hydrogenated oils. Read this research report about mono-diglycerides.

Hog Farmers Won't Feed Their Hogs Hydrogenated Oiled Foods

Dr. Russell Jaffe, MD, a noted medical researcher stumbled across the fact that hog farmers wouldn't feed trans fatty acids foods, or hydrogenated oiled foods to their pigs. The reason is because hogs die from eating foods containing these oils. When Dr. Jaffe contacted the U.S. Department of Agriculture concerning this, they admitted they had known about it but that it was not in their jurisdiction. When he contacted the Federal Drug Administration, they simply said they didn't have the time to investigate it. Isn't the FDA is suppose to be protecting consumers from toxic foods?

Dr. Jaffe also published a report finding that cottonseed oil contains fatty acids similar to those present in rape seed. Rape seed oil was taken off the market. It caused severe illness and in some instances deaths because of its' toxic fatty acids to humans, dogs and pigs. There are some fatty acids in some plants that are very toxic to the human body. Dr. Jaffe found that when cottonseed oil is hydrogenated, not only does it change the molecular structure of this already toxic fatty acid, but it doubles the toxicity to the human body. Hydrogenated, or partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil is used by many food chains in frying french fries and other fried goods. Most bakery goods contain them.

How Do Trans Fatty Acids Cause Non-Insulin Diabetes?

The body makes protein from normal amino acids. Normal meaning amino acids which the body is genetically used to. Properly structured protein is needed for insulin to be effective in reducing sugar in the blood. Protein is also derived from fats. By consuming abnormally changed molecular essential fatty acids, abnormal proteins are produced by the body. The abnormal proteins cannot properly synthesize the insulin in its' metabolic state. The insulin eventually becomes ineffective in reducing sugar in the blood stream. Hyperinsuliemia is the end result. The body then starts producing more and more insulin to control sugar while at the same time becoming more ineffective in controlling blood sugar. This has been directly linked concerning prostaglandins.

Prostaglandins are made from essential fatty acids. However, there are two kinds. Good prostaglandins and bad ones. The bad ones cause cell inflammation which causes several diseases such as diabetes, breast cancer, coronary heart disease and degenerative arithritis. The good prostaglandins reduce cell inflammation. Research by researchers at the Division of Science, Northeast Missouri State University have shown that the central mechanism for pancreatic insulin production is mediated by prostaglandins. It is not an autonomic response as once thought. Autonomic means that which a normal body responds to or makes. These findings have been confirmed by other research studies in Germany, the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston and by about half a dozen other researchers. Included in some of this research are in-depth studies of the roles of properly naturally occurring structured essential fatty acids and how they inter-relate in making not only the correct amount of insulin, but most importantly its' effectiveness in the bloodstream in reducing blood sugar and the productions of good prostaglandins.

Dr. Holman and his colleagues at the Hormel Institute at the University of Minnesota have shown that trans-fatty acids disrupt cellular function. They affect many enzymes such as the delta-6 desaturase and consequently interfere with the necessary conversions of both the Omega-6 and the Omega-3 essential fatty acids to their elongated forms. They consequently escalate the adverse effects of essential fatty acid deficiency.

Dr. Lenore Kohlmeier in Finland completed a study on 700 women, (300 of them had breast cancer). The study included the analysis of the tissue fat cells of the women. Dr. Kohlmeier issued this statement, "women who have higher stores of trans fatty acids have a 1.4 times, ( approximately 55%) higher risk of developing breast cancer." Additional work by several researchers have also shown that trans fatty acids produced in the hydrogenation of oils process are the culprits. They destroy the good prostaglandins and increase the bad prostaglandins. This is why in the 1940's when non-insulin type II diabetes began to appear, the medical community was dumbfounded to what was causing it.

Serious Health Effects From Consuming
Hydrogenated Oils or Mono-Diglycerides

Several years ago, researchers started reporting the link between certain pesticides like DDT and cancer. Many in the medical community scoffed at them. Certain groups and individuals that were trying to debunk this link were actually researchers employed by the major chemical companies making these pesticides. Well, we all know the final outcome of that. Several pesticides were proven to cause cancer especially in children and were banned.

What does this have to do with hydrogenated oils in our food supply? Sadly, the same scenario is occurring once again. Despite hundreds of research studies done over the last several years by some of the most prestigious medical research facilities like Harvard and the University of Massachusetts, we still have these oils in our food supply. Hydrogenated oils are shown to cause an increase in coronary heart disease, insulin resistance diabetes type II, auto-immune disorders, attention deficit disorders and other serious health effects.

The most recent findings published in the New England Journal of Medicine on June 24, 1999 report that hydrogenated oils and partially hydrogenated oils which are even worse, definitely raise not only cholesterol and triglycerides by 12%, but also lower the good HDL cholesterol and raise bad LDL cholesterol. Researchers also concluded that eating foods containing unhydrogenated oils lowers cholesterol by 6%. Now this is significant for people with high cholesterol. When you combine the 12% increase and the 6% reduction, this is a net result of 18%. What this means is this. Let's say a person has a high cholesterol of 350. Simply eliminating all foods containing these reduce the cholesterol from 350 to 283, 67 points lower. This can be easily accomplished in a relatively short period. And this is done by simply eliminating these oils from the diet. These are the two links for these recent studies.

The New England Journal of Medicine -- June 24, 1999 --
Vol. 340, No. 25
Effects of Different Forms of Dietary Hydrogenated Fats on Serum Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels
By: Alice H. Lichtenstein, Lynne M. Ausman,
Susan M. Jalbert, Ernst J. Schaefer
Source Information:
From the Lipid Metabolism Laboratory,
Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human
Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston
School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Medford, Mass.

The New England Journal of Medicine -- June 24, 1999 --
Vol. 340, No. 25
Trans Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease
Source Information:
Alberto Ascherio, M.D., Dr.P.H.
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA 02115
Martijn B. Katan, Ph.D.
Peter L. Zock, Ph.D.
Wageningen Center for Food Sciences
6703 HD Wageningen, the Netherlands
Meir J. Stampfer, M.D., Dr.P.H.
Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H.
Harvard School of Public Health
Boston, MA 02115

Since the major conversion to these oils in our food supply in the late 1960's by the major food companies, coronary heart disease and diabetes type II have increased at an alarming rate. Recently, a study concluded that the increase in children developing diabetes type II has reached new high levels. They also found that children from black or spanish decent from low income families have the highest increase. And what was the main diet of these children? It consisted mainly of junk food or packaged foods loaded with hydrogenated oils. Even though people with various heart diseases are not dying as quickly because of advanced medical treatments, heart disease has increased dramatically over the last 20 years. Trans fatty acids which are produced by the hydrogenation process is the leading culprit in coronary heart disease. Why is it in Europe that for the last ten years, many governments limit the amount of trans fatty aids in foods or even ban then altogether in foods. Evidently, they've known what we have known for sometime and did something about it. However, the FDA still ignores this health danger from these oils and allows the food companies to continue to use these oils in food production.

The Center For Science in Public Interest

Recently, the center analyzed 41 supermarket and restaurant foods purchased in seven cities across the country. The results were published in the September issue of the CSPI'S Nutrition Action Health letter. These are the findings:

FRENCH FRIES: The hidden trans fatty acids in McDonalds, Hardees and Arby's fries doubles the damage caused by their regular saturated regular fat counterparts. The fries at Burger King and Wendy's are even worse.

FISH: Red Lobster's Admiral's Feast Dinner contains a two day supply of artery clogging trans fatty acids.

CHICKEN: Kentucky Fried Chicken has a full day's worth of trans fatty acids

BAKED GOODS: Dunkin Donuts Old Fashioned Cake Donuts contains trans fatty acids that more than doubles the damage its' regular saturated fat counterpart. Eating just one is like eating 8 strips of bacon as pertaining to the amount of damage it is doing to the arteries because of the trans fatty acids. Who eats 8 strips of bacon at one sitting? Campbell's Soups are loaded with hydrogenated oils, read the label on the cans. Most crackers and especially cookies also.

Countries In Europe Allow Only
4% Trans Fatty Acids In Foods - Some Ban Trans Fatty Acids Altogether

Many countries in Europe allow only 4% of trans fatty acids in any foods made with hydrogenated oils, some ban them altogether. Do these countries know something we don't? Some countries like Denmark have banned hydrogenated oils for over 40 years. It is interesting that Denmark has the lowest diagnosed rates of heart disease, cancers, breast cancer, diabetes, auto-immune diseases than any other country in the world. What is even more interesting is that they consume more saturated fat in the form of dairy products. Again, do they know something we don't? No, we know it, we're just not paying attention to the research studies.

According to Dr. Enig and others, the American diet contains 10-44% of these trans fatty acids. Some individuals because of what they eat are consuming as much as 60 grams of trans fatty acids a day, or roughly 2 times the recommended normal fat content that a person should consume daily.

Dr. Frank Sacks, MD and Karin Michels, M.S. M.P.H. of the Harvard Schools of Public Health issued a statement in February, 1995 in the New England Journal of Medicine. He stated, "American food manufacturers are still manipulating our foods in a way that current scientific research shows that trans fatty acids compromise health. Furthermore, the lack of information on trans-fatty acids on food labels does not allow one to make an informed decision or choice." Recent studies show that as little as 4% of these trans-fatty acids can cause these disease processes. This could open food companies up to lawsuits from people with these diseases. This is no different than what has happened in the tobacco industry lawsuits. Why did it take the FDA ten years to finally issue the mandatory warning on cigarette packets that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health from the warning that it may be dangerous to your health? The same principals, politics and lobbying from the tobacco industry to keep themselves out of lawsuits for years are at play here. It is all about money and the FDA has gone along with it. It's very simple. 10 - 44% of trans fatty acids in foods are deadly to the human body.

How To Get Hydrogenated Oils Off The Market

The best way is the strategy that Ralph Nader has used several times. Boycott the company or the product. The best way to get the attention of the primary source. The primary sources are the food production companies, better yet, your local grocery store. Confront your local grocery store manager.

Below is a link to a page listing the top 60 food companies with their addresses and email addresses. Address your letter to Chairman of the Board. Send them a letter stating that you will not purchase any further products from them until they ban the use of hydrogenated oils in their food production. Also included at the bottom of this column is a link page to the major news outlets. Write them, ask them why are they not reporting this. An most important, use the link to find your Senator or Congressman in Washington. Write them and demand that the FDA ban the use of hydrogenated oils like they have in Europe.

Interestingly, in 1998, the American Heart Association finally, ( after several years of ignoring the research data) issued a statement regarding this issue. The AHA stated in this statement, "In clinical studies, trans fatty acids or hydrogenated fats tend to raise total blood cholesterol levels. Fatty acids also tend to raise LDL ("bad") cholesterol and lower HDL ("good") cholesterol when used instead of fatty acids or natural oils. These changes may increase the risk of heart disease."Use naturally occurring, un-hydrogenated oil when possible. Look for processed foods made with un-hydrogenated oil rather than hydrogenated or saturated fat." The above statement is quoted from the following page on the AHA website. You can view the entire statement by the AHA on their site at

I cannot provide an auto link since the AHA legal department will not allow me to link to this web page. You'll have to copy and paste this into your browser to go there. Amazing how the food lobbyists use their influence. It would be interesting to know if and how much money non profit organizations like the American Heart Association receive from food corporations and or the food lobby group. However, you can read parts of this statement as a news item here. I am reporting this on this page as a news item. Evidently, under pressure the AHA finally recognized they could no longer avoid this issue.

I would also like to ask a favor from all of you reading this column. Print this column out. Make copies and mail it to friends. Makes copies and take it to your church. Email 20 of your friends to visit my site and read the column. Ask them to ask those 20 friends to email to 20 friends. You can use this FORM to send an email to your friend about this column. Post messages in the various newsgroups to visit my site and read this column. Unless people act today, future generations are going to be stricken with poor health they should not have. For years, you probably heard the old saying, "This causes cancer, that causes cancer, etc. etc." My response to that is, the research speaks for itself. Will you help to stop this pollution of our food supply for profit? Email me your thoughts and your support in this matter. Or post them on my message board. You can do something also.

Read the labels on packaged foods at the grocery store. You'll be lucky to find anything that doesn't have hydrogenated oils. By the way, crackers and cookies of any type are the worst of all. Bakery items, especially those that are fried like doughnuts are heavy loaded with these deadly oils containing high trans fatty acids levels.

The Truth Needs To Get Out!
The Rest Of The Story, Thomas Smith
The Gentleman Who Cured Himself Of Hyperinsulemia
Caused By Trans Fatty Acids

Recently, one of my readers, 68 year old Thomas Smith, a retired electrical engineer from Loveland Colorado wrote me because of my latest health/nutrition column. He detailed in his letter how he had become diagnosed with non-insulin dependent diabetes, type II and how he had cured himself. He forwarded various research material to me in which I was totally amazed. Mr. Smith is one of the reasons why I wrote this column. After studying quite intensively the role of the immune system and how essential fatty acids work in the body, I understood what Mr. Smith sent. It was a call to arms. Something had to be done to get the truth out. Mr. Smith not only showed me the research findings of how this disease is caused by hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids, but how to cure it. He should know he cured himself of diabetes type II.

Thomas has put together a report, detailing the research and what he did to cure himself. Normally I don't do this in my column, but when I come across something so crucial that could benefit so many, I do what some term, sell a product in my column. But that is not what I am doing. I am trying to help save people from needless diseases and so is Thomas Smith. He is not asking a fortune for the report he has put together. It barely covers his costs for photo-copying and postage for this 150 report. If you are interested in the more detailed research and how Thomas cured himself of this man made disease, then send $25.00 to Thomas Smith, P.O. Box 7685, Loveland Colorado 80537. He can also be reached at 970-669-9176 for information. His report is about 150 pages, photo-copied both side and is worth its' weight in gold. It cites and lists over 100 scientific studies, and extensive bibliography, glossary and appendix. If you are suffering from any of the diseases talked about in this column, especially hyperinsulinemia, I'm positive that you will benefit in some manner by reading Tom's information in his report. You may also visit Mr. Smith's website at Healingmatters.com for more information and additional references pertaining to this serious food health matter. you can also email Mr. Smith at valley@healingmatters.com

HOWEVER, start today! Eliminate any foods containing hydrogenated oils from your pantry!

I would like to suggest this product to you... And no I do not own stock in the company. There is only one margarine I have found that contains NO hydrogenated oils and only 2.5 grams of naturally occurring trans fatty acids. It is called Smart Balance EARTH. It is a new patented mixture of olive, soy, palm and canola oils. Even though it contains a small amount of canola oil, it is the lesser of two evils at this time because it is free of any hydrogenated oils and contains only 2.5 grams of trans fatty acids. The regular SMART BALANCE however contains mono-diglycerides which I am advising by readers to stay away from. Mono-diglyerides in most instances are nothing more than hydrogenated oils. The more that oils are hydrogenated, the higher the trans fatty acids, as much as 60 grams. This is when adulterated oils become unhealthy with this high of trans fatty acids occurring because of the hydrogenation. Smart Balance EARTH has a low amount of naturally occurring trans fatty acids the body can cope with. Canola oil may not be healthy when used exclusively in your diet for cooking and frying. I'll explain this later in the column. Smart Balance EARTH's total fat content is only 9 grams per serving. Its' calories per serving is only 90, 80 coming from fat. But here's the good news in this blend. Its' saturated fat is only 2.5g, its' polyunsaturated fat is 2.5g, but the monounsaturated fat is 3.5g. This is a very excellent blend of the correct essential fatty acids. And it tastes almost like butter. Now here is a food company that has it trying to get its' act together. I only wish they would eliminate the canola oil. Personally, I use butter, but for those that need to use margarine, this is the only margarine I recommend using. If your store does not carry it, tell them to.

The company that manufactures Smart Balance EARTH is:
Heart Beat Foods Division, P.O. Box 397, Cresskill, N.J. 07626-0397.

Your health is in your hands. For years in my columns, I have said that you are only as healthy as what you eat. Well, the fat lady has sung, the horse has come in first, whatever you want to call it. The bottom line is the truth in the research studies. I know that I will be attacked by the commercial food lobby regarding this column. They will try every means to discount it. But all anyone has to do is read the research, it is there. We need to do something about this and today. Can I count on you?


There is much controversy over canola oil. There has been widely circulated emails on the internet that have distorted the facts about canola oil. This is not to dismiss other facts that canola oil may not be as healthy a oil as it has been claimed to be. Canola oil first began with Rapeseeds that were hybrinized to breed out toxic erucic acid which is known to be toxic to animals and humans. The primary use of erucic acid is as a precursor to another chemical, erucamide.

Erucamide is used in the processing of plastic films, particularly for films made from the polymers polyethylene and polypropylene. These plastic films are used in a variety of applications such as plastic grocery and bread bags, and other plastic packaging. However, it was later genetically altered and this is where I have most of my concerns. To make matters worse, over 60,000 bags of these seeds were genetically altered in the wrong way and not approved for human use. They were shipped with the wrong gene! These seeds were planted, harvested and researchers are scared to death of the potential health threat they pose. The information is considerable, so you will need to read this report I have written concerning this controversy about canola oil. This site also has additional information concerning canola oil. www.karinya.com/canola.htm

The amount of canola oil that is contained in the Smart Balance EARTH margarine I recommend is not significant enough I feel to concerned about at this time. However, what does complicate the matter is the refining process that companies use for grocery store bought oils. They contain trans-isomers, (plastic like substances). All oils used for cooking should be expeller cold pressed unrefined oils. These usually can only be found at health food stores.

Here is a list of foods which have been scientifically documented in the International Food Microbial 20-211-226. They should be avoided because they are high inpleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold and produce mycotoxins that have been documented to cause specific diseases and very specific organ lesions in both animals and in humans and should never be ingested and if any, only in very small amounts. Also, recent studies involving soybean oil, once also thought to be beneficial, may actually cause tumors.

So What Oils Should I Use?

My advise is this. Use olive oil, flaxseed oil, grapeseed, coconut or sunflower oil. Grapeseed oil has 50 times more anti-oxidant properties than vitamin E.


Coconut oil has been looked at negatively because of its' fat content. However, it actually helps the body to metabolize fatty acids better than any other oil. You can actually loose weight using coconut oil and it is great for frying chicken. It is one of the few oils that does not become rancid quickly if it is tightly sealed.

Over 40 years ago, researchers said they found that feeding coconut oil to animals caused their cholesterol to rise. There was only one main problem, the oil was hydrogenated. We all now know that hydrogenated oils raise cholesterol and triglycerides. When one looks at the population in the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, these people have used mostly natural, un-hydrogenated, cold expeller pressed coconut oil, you find one of the
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Post by uncle_vinh »

Vài điều cần biết về dầu ăn cho ai quan tâm đến CHOLESTEROL có thể làm nghẹt mạch máu.

Cần nhớ:

1/ Dầu hay thực phẩm nào có càng nhiều UNsaturated fat (PolyUNsaturated hay MonoUNsaturated, coi nhản dán trên hộp) và càng ít Saturated hay Trans fat là tốt,

2/ Olive oil thuộc lọai "good cooking oil", nhưng lại trở thành không tốt nếu dùng để chiên thức ăn.

- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --
(tham khảo: http://www.healthcastle.com/cooking-oils.shtml )

Cooking Oil: How to choose a good one

Written by Gloria Tsang, RD
Published In June 2005; Updated in May 2007

All manufacturers claim their own cooking oil is the best! Canola oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, butter, margarine and even virgin coconut oil each has its supporters. Before we conclude the best cooking oil(s), let's look at the essential - Fats 101. We classified the following fats as "good fats" and "bad fats" based on their heart-smart values: their ability to raise or lower total and LDL cholesterol.

The Bad Fats

Saturated Fats Saturated fats raise total blood cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) .
Trans Fats Trans fats raise LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and lower HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) .

The Good Fats

Monounsaturated Fats Monounsaturated fats lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and increase the HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) .
Polyunsaturated Fats Polyunsaturated fats also lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids belong to this group.

Therefore, based on the above classification, the "ideal" cooking oil should contain higher amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and with minimal or no saturated fats and trans fats.

The Verdict?

As long as you're using fats and oils sparingly in your cooking and preparation, it would be fine to use any one of the following "good" oils. All of the following oils are low in saturated fats and trans fats. Some have high concentration of monounsaturated fats such as olive oil. Choose corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soy oil or canola oil if you wish to fry foods as these oils have higher smoke point. It is best not to fry with olive oil as its smoke point is only about 190C/375F.

Good Cooking Oils:

canola oil
flax seed oil
peanut oil
olive oil
non-hydrogenated soft margarine
safflower oil
sunflower oil
corn oil

The following "bad" oils contain high percentage of trans fat or saturated fats. Some, such as coconut oil, even contain more saturated fats than animal products!

Bad Cooking Oils:

Vegetable shortening
Hard margarine
Palm oil
Palm kernel oil
Coconut oil
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